June 14, 2016 @ 10:15 AM

Great news! The Newest Geller Book Training Videos Are Live and Online!
We recently came out with our newest Geller Book, release 6.0. Current metal prices and an increase in labor. In addition the sizing and custom design sections have some higher priced pages if you'd like to try for higher sizing and custom pricing.


It's been my job to share with you the task of training your staff in selling repairs and getting the most money. We've put together videos on our website that have each chapter in the book, with it on the screen and myself narrating the training.
They are free for you and your staff and if you'd like to share with any jeweler friends be my guest.
At my website you'd go to this link:
It will ask for a password, it is   geller
Then click on any video to get trained.


None are longer than 15 minutes, many less. Chapter 100 (sizing), chapter 1000 (custom/cad-Cam) and Chapter 1200 (repairs) have 3 videos each, broken in 15 minute segments.


In addition to training on my Geller Book I have also collected some videos from YouTube on HOW repairs are done. This will help the staff be able to explain to the customer how repairs are done and why we charge "this amount". 
These videos do not require any password just go to this link on my website:


Here is our training video on Chapter 100-ring sizing. Just click on it


The video below is a sample video on how rings are sized to train the staff. All of these are available at the above links.
So lets' get the staff trained.

David Geller,
Director of Shops Profits


Does your store have an Employee Manual?

Let Renie Geller, a 25 +year Human Resource manager put one together for your store.
Labor laws are such today that store owners can get sued for an action taken by one employee to another and you wouldn't even know you are also to blame.
  • Do employees know what is expected of them?
  • How often do they get a review?
  • Putting staff on a straight salary might be easy but in many cases its against the law and you might still have to pay overtime.
Let Renie go over some of these items at no charge with a free 15 minute "check-up". Call her today (404( 255-9565